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    My Favourite Story...


    The Kissing Hand is my favourite story. It's about Chester and his mum. School is starting,but Chester doesn't want to go to school. To help ease Chester's fears, his mum shares a family secret called "The Kissing Hand" to give him her love. And she told him her love would go with him wherever he went.


    My favourite story is Rent Party Jazz. It's about Sonny and his mother. They are very poor. One day Sonny meets Jack, a jazz musician. Jack offers to play at a party at Sonny's house to help raise money. The neighbours all come to drop coins for them. Sonny and his mum are deeply moved with the help of them.


    I enjoy Carla's Sandwich best. It happens at Carla's school. When Carla brings her sandwiches to school, her classmates have plenty to say about them. "That's sick!" says Leslie. "That's bad!" says Natie. But Carla thinks otherwise. "It's unique (独特的). It's creative." Just like Carla.


    Catching the Moon is my favourite. It's the story of a young girl's baseball dream. Marcenia Lyle is interested in baseball. She struggled to overcome the objections Of family, friends and coaches. When she finally won a position in a baseball summer camp, she was on her way to catching her dream.

    1. (1) Mary's favourite story is ________________.
      A . Rent Party Jazz B . Carla's Sandwich C . Catching the Moon D . The Kissing Hand
    2. (2) Jack is a _______________.
      A . student B . musician C . coach D . creator
    3. (3) Marcenia Lyle ___________________.
      A . doesn't want to go to school B . hasn't got enough money C . likes eating sandwiches D . is interested in baseball