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    Tell the grown-ups to back off-you can be trusted to do your homework without their help. An international study found children aged 7 to 10 were better at homework if left alone. The study's author, Assoc Prof (副教授).Jaana Viljaranta, said parents helping every step of the way risked making their children lose interest in schoolwork.

    "One possible explanation is that when the mother gives her child an opportunity to do homework autonomously (独立地), the mother also sends out a message that she believes in the child's skills and abilities," Assoc Prof Viljaranta said. "This in turn makes the child believe in him- or herself, and in his or her skills and abilities."

    The academic(学业的) performance of 365 grade 2 and 4 students was compared with the amount of help they got from their mother and teacher as part of the study, which also involved Finland's University of Jyvaskyla. Success may also depend on kids,teachers and parents all talking about what needs to be done and what will work best for the kids.

    Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA) president Dennis Yarrington said teachers and families needed to agree on how much help parents give and make sure kids know what the teacher expects. "Parents should encourage kids to seek further information from the teacher if they need it,"Mr Yarrington said.

    "Homework should not cause tension(紧张) between family members, ,which causes a negative attitude towards further learning."

    "When there is no homework to do, the best homework is to play, read or go for a walk with their parents."

    1. (1) What did the international study find?
      A . Students never seek further information from their parents. B . Children aged 7-10 receiving much help are more interested in school work. C . Children aged 7-10 did better in homework without help from their parents. D . Homework causes tension between children and their family.
    2. (2) How many students did Assoc Prof Viljaranta studied?
      A . 200 B . 265 C . 700 D . 365
    3. (3) Which sentence is NOT the bad effect caused by helping children's homework?
      A . It may cause tension between family members B . Children may have a negative attitude towards further learning. C . Children may lose interest in schoolwork. D . Children may believe in their skills and abilities.
    4. (4) What suggestions did Mr Yarrington give to parents?

      ①Parents should not advise kids to get help from the teacher.

      ②Parents should spend more time playing with their children instead of helping them homework.

      ③Parents should agree to give children help at any time.

      ④Parents should make sure kids know what the teacher expects.

      A . ①② B . ③④ C . ②④ D . ①③
    5. (5) What is the writer's purpose of writing this article?
      A . To introduce an international study on how to get help from parents. B . To tell students some useful suggestions to do homework. C . To advise parents not to help children with their homework. D . To release (解除) tension between family members.