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    Dear Tom,

        How time flies! You (study) in Beijing for nearly a month, during which you must have achieved a lot. Well, how's everything going? It is reported that the weather there is very hot and dry these days, which is very different from of your country. Have you adapted to it? In addition, you once complained that the food (serve) there was not your taste. I hope that should have been improved.

        I am glad to tell you that I will go to Beijing to take part in an English speech contest in July, is not only an honor, but also a great opportunity for me to improve . And now I try my best to make (prepare) for it. , I have some trouble in collecting the materials relevant and using the language. I will appreciate if you give me a hand to solve the problems.

        After the contest, I am to drop at your school to visit you. Please wait for my phone.

    Li Hua