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        Eight years ago, when Kyle Amber was five years old, he came face-to-face with a huge problem: His brother, Ian, ten, was diagnosed with leukemia(白血病). Their parents, Laurie and Henry, were spending much of their1with him in hospital. Kyle often felt alone and 2

        What could a kindergartner do? Not much, it seemed.3, Kyle was determined. He looked around and saw lots of kids being4for cancer and decided he could help them by helping the hospital, which was trying to5money for bone-marrow(骨髓)transplant.

        But how? Since Kyle's grandfather was in the printing business, he6bring decorative cards for Kyle, who7with the idea of selling them8. He made a large sum of momey-$80-for the hospital. His next9was a candy sale at this school, Palmetto Elementary, and it has turned into an annual10.

        And then people in Miami read about his efforts and were inspired to11to donate more money and toys, and things just snowballed.

        Within a year Kyle's idea turned into an official fund-raising organization called Kids That Care Cancer Fund. Today it is one of the12organizations in the country run by kids and13kids. It's hard to estimate just14the group has collected, says Laurie, but it is more than $100,000. As the Mayor of Miami wrote to Kyle, “ Your efforts have made a remarkable15in the lives of many suffering from this disease.”

        Never once has Kyle thought of16, because the smiles of the kids are too important. “ Basically, the entire feeling that you get is very17,” he explains. Helping other kids has taught him to be less18. And there's another thing he learns for sure: “ There is19going to be a time when you're going to have a very hard barrier,” he says. “20you overcome that, you can do anything.”

    A . energy B . money C . time D . fortune
    A . hopeless B . helpless C . homeless D . fearless
    A . Still B . So C . Only D . Thus
    A . considered B . regarded C . treated D . injured
    A . give B . offer C . earn D . raise
    A . might B . would C . should D . needed
    A . came out B . came across C . came on D . came up
    A . at school B . at hospital C . in business D . in town
    A . progress B . proposal C . project D . problem
    A . event B . plan C . report D . meeting
    A . volunteer B . distribute C . pass D . award
    A . professional B . large C . great D . few
    A . of B . for C . on D . with
    A . what B . where C . how much D . how soon
    A . contribution B . difference C . affection D . importance
    A . quitting B . regretting C . continuing D . designing
    A . curious B . astonishing C . rewarding D . precious
    A . rude B . selfish C . mild D . lazy
    A . never B . seldom C . rarely D . always
    A . Unless B . Even though C . Until D . Once