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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The garden that Sijo Zachariah and his father planted made sure their family had food to eat. But it also helped their 1 and was likely to change the 2 of his life.

    With the pandemic(疫情)3, food stores in the area were nearly 4. Places that sold plants for gardening were closed. People had no enough vegetables to eat. So Zachariah and his father5 seeds from whatever fruits and vegetables they could find to plant on the6of the garden. They also watched YouTube videos to learn about7 and remembered information that Zachariah's grandfather had 8. Over time, the garden would help920 other families in their community.

    Zachariah came to learn that farming should work with nature instead of trying to control the land. In the past, Zachariah worked in Wales in Britain as an teacher. He 10 why the food he ate in Wales was better than the food he ate at home. Zachariah realized that the food was 11. It came from local farms 12 and was not treated with chemicals.

    Zachariah is now considering a(n)13 profession: farming. “It will be my 14 in the future. I am quite 15 at helping others and being in nature now.” he said.

    A . neighbors B . teachers C . colleagues D . employees
    A . attitude B . direction C . experience D . quality
    A . breaking in B . dying off C . running away D . breaking out
    A . crowded B . clean C . full D . empty
    A . bought B . collected C . planted D . ate
    A . land B . wall C . roof D . grass
    A . gardening B . teaching C . cooking D . singing
    A . found out B . passed down C . searched for D . stood for
    A . transport B . praise C . surprise D . feed
    A . doubted B . checked C . wondered D . acquired
    A . fresher B . bigger C . cheaper D . heavier
    A . gradually B . suddenly C . directly D . occasionally
    A . old B . new C . strange D . ordinary
    A . difficulty B . habit C . job D . change
    A . shocked B . embarrassed C . confused D . happy