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  • 1. 单元单词串烧阅读

    Once there was a king with much wealth. He had power and fame, but he was unhappy. He always said there was a heavy (weigh) on his shoulders. It nearly drove him crazy. He thought the sky was grey and few guys wanted to be friends with him. That made him more (comfortable). His face was always pale. He would rather stay in the palace all day. Neither the queen nor his prime minister could help him.

    Lately, a doctor (call) in by a banker to examine the king. There was nothing wrong with him of course. The doctor asked him to play soccer so that he couldn't let the king down. To start with, the king couldn't score goal. The coach encouraged him to practice with courage rather than (stay) there like a lemon. The king nodded in (agree). Then he and his teammates pulled together. No one wanted to leave him out. he had a lot of faults while playing, his teammates didn't kick him off. Besides, in order (not disappoint) his teammates, the king was hard himself. Teamwork brought him much relief. The more he stayed with his teammates, the (strong) the friendship between them became. Finally, the king became happier and healthier.