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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It was a sunny day. Alice and her sister were reading under a tree. Alice was bored and very1. Suddenly, she saw a white rabbit hopping across the grass.

    Alice 2the rabbit to its hole. Then, she fell. Down, down, down... Now she was in a dark hallway. She saw a little door and behind the door was a beautiful garden. On a small table, there was a3. She wanted to go into the garden ,but she was too big. Then she noticed a little bottle with the words,"DRINK ME"". She opened the bottle and4." What a strange feeling!" said Alice. "I'm getting5." Soon she was very small. Unluckily, the key was still on the table, and6wasn't as tall as the table. Then Alice saw a cake with the words, "EAT ME"". "Well, lm going to eat it," said Alice. "And7 I grow taller, I can reach the key. If I grow smaller,I can crawl(爬行) under the door. "She 8the cake." Stranger and stranger!" cried Alice. "Now I'm growing taller. "Alice was really tall now. She picked up the key and opened the door.

    "9, Alice!" said her sister." Did you sleep well?"

    "Yes, I did, "replied Alice." I had the most amazing10! "She told her sister about her amazing adventures." What a wonderful dream!" she thought. Then, she saw a white rabbit running behind a tree.

    A . excited B . awful C . sleepy D . noisy
    A . followed B . introduced C . circled D . invited
    A . fridge B . key C . scoop D . license
    A . ran B . shook C . drank D . cried
    A . cleverer B . happier C . weaker D . smaller
    A . it B . I C . he D . she
    A . if B . till C . though D . unless
    A . made B . finished C . drew D . cut
    A . Cheer up B . Come on C . Wake up D . Hold on
    A . dream B . breakfast C . performance D . discovery