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  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

    There are many unsolved mysteries in life even though science, technology, and research have come a very long way. Let's enjoy the following unsolved mysteries.

    The Bermuda Triangle


    located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean,the Bermuda Triangle is a loosely-defined(宽松定义的) area. There a number of planes and ships are said to have disappeared. Pilots say their instruments can't work there. With explanations from gas bubbles(气泡)to aliens, no one is sure what is behind the strange thing.

    The Loch Ness Monster


    For ages, people have been hearing about the Loch Ness Monster. Over the years photos and videos of actual footprints have been checked and watched over and over again to find out if it could be a sea snake or a dinosaur(恐龙). Even today, it may still exist and l swim under the waters.

    Nazca Geoglyphs


    Nazca Geoglyphs are located in southern Peru and cover about 170 square mile. There are numbers of things from the natural world to the human imagination such as spiders, monkeys, sharks, flowers and so on. But the exact meanings of many of the geoglyphs remain unknown.

    1. (1) The Bermuda Triangle is _______ the North Atlantic Ocean.
      A . in the east of B . in the west of C . to the west of D . to the east of
    2. (2) People check the photos and videos of the Loch Ness Monster repeatedly because _______.
      A . the monster is very beautiful B . they are interested in the living thing C . they want to know what it is actually D . the monster will disappear soon
    3. (3) Nazca Geoglyphs have an area of about _______ square miles.
      A . 150 B . 1, 500 C . 1, 700 D . 170
    4. (4) What can we learn about Nazca Geoglyphs?
      A . Ships get lost there from time to time. B . There used to be large numbers of aliens. C . The instruments of the planes can't work there. D . People don't know the true meanings of some geoglyphs.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the reading?
      A . The Loch Ness Monster must be a special dinosaur. B . Nazca Geoglyphs include pictures of some animals. C . There will be more and more unsolved mysteries in the future. D . People have found a reasonable explanation of the lost ships.