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  • 1. 阅读理解

        There are four blind men in the same village. Every day, they sit together and talk about interesting things. One day they sit under a big tree and talk about the elephant. All of them don't know what an elephant is like. They want to know about it very much. At this time, a man comes with an elephant. The four blind men want to touch(触摸)it. The man lets them do so. They are very happy.

        The first man says, "The elephant is like a wall."

        The second man says, "The elephant is like a trunk(树干)."

        The third man says, "The elephant is like a rope."

        The fourth man says, "The elephant is like a fan (扇子)."

        Each of them touches a different part of the elephant. So they have different ideas about it.

    1. (1) Every day the four blind men ______________.
      A . talk about interesting things B . sit next to an elephant C . sing under a big tree D . touch the elephant
    2. (2) The four blind men touch ______________.
      A . the same part of the elephant B . the different parts of the elephant C . the front part of the elephant D . the back part of the elephant
    3. (3) The underlined word "blind" means(意思是) ______________ in Chinese.
      A . 病的 B . 瘸的 C . 失聪的 D . 失明的
    4. (4) According to the story, which of the following is right?
      A . The four men live in different villages. B . The four men don't know what the elephant is like. C . The four men have the same idea about the elephant. D . The owner (主人) of the elephant tells them what the elephant is like.