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当前位置: 初中英语 / 人与自我 / 教育类 / 主题
  • 1.


    Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

    This is the song of the bee.

    His legs are yellow;

    A happy, good fellow,

    And yet a great worker is he.

    On days that are sunny

    He's getting his honey(蜂蜜);

    On days that are cloudy

    He's making his wax(蜜蜡);

    On pinks and on lilies,

    Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

    From morning's first light

    Till(直到)the coming of    ⑶     .

    He's singing and working

    The summer day through.

    1. (1) What does "Buzz" mean(意思)in the first line(行)?

      A . The sound made by bees. B . The smell of flowers. C . The colour of bee's legs. D . The work bees are busy with.
    2. (2) What are bees busy doing on cloudy days?

      A . Making honey. B . Singing songs. C . Making wax. D . Flying around.
    3. (3) The missing(缺少的)word in the last third line may be          .

      A . night B . evening C . noon D . supper
    4. (4) This poem wants to show us that          .

      A . bees like singing songs very much B . bees are hard-working but happy animals C . bees like making honey on different flowers D . bees are a group of animals with yellow legs