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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I had been staring at the white walls of the video game store for about two hours since lunch. It was a very 1 day. I glanced at the table in front of the store, and my heart 2. It was the donation table for the victims of Super Typhoon Yolanda and even though I had donated what I could, I 3 felt sad whenever I saw the people on the TV suffering.

    I was broken out of my thoughts when the doors got open. Customers, 4!

    It was a small girl with her mother. I5 her mom. I got to know her when she was selling clothes she 6 herself at the market.

    The daughter just had a7 and her mom finally had 8 money to buy a PS3 and some games.

    The girl skipped to my counter. She9 her backpack and pulled out a console (操纵台盘). Her mom handed me the games.

    "Can I10 this?"

    "Sure, sweetie."

    I11 the console and the games, and nothing was opened. According to our 12, I returned the 13 to the girl. And she ran off as 14 as her little feet could take her. The mom explained, "She wants to sell her birthday 15, so she can donate to the 16. "

    She was17 to give up her favorite games and gave to those 18. That's real generosity out there.

    While I was watching her 19 to the girl at the donation table, I was reminded that even though there are a lot of 20 people in the world, there are still those people just like that little girl.

    A . good B . cold C . warm D . slow
    A . beat B . ached C . ran D . shook
    A . almost B . also C . still D . never
    A . firstly B . eventually C . quickly D . excitedly
    A . served B . found C . recognized D . told
    A . wore B . made C . washed D . bought
    A . date B . job C . birthday D . disease
    A . enough B . little C . easy D . big
    A . carried B . opened C . sold D . left
    A . sell B . change C . return D . donate
    A . opened B . checked C . held D . looked
    A . plan B . decision C . discussion D . regulation
    A . money B . backpack C . games D . receipt
    A . soon B . fast C . long D . far
    A . card B . cake C . surprise D . gift
    A . victims B . workers C . charities D . typhoons
    A . grateful B . willing C . unhappy D . afraid
    A . ordinary B . unfortunate C . disabled D . injured
    A . quarrelling B . turning C . talking D . walking
    A . selfish B . lucky C . special D . kind