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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his 1 and told him his story angrily. "He is really bad," the boy said, "And I 2 him."

    The grandfather said. " 3 me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did."

    As the boy4 carefully, the grandfather went on, "There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is 5  and kind. He gets on well 6 everything around him. But 7  is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He can't think carefully 8 he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control(控制)me."

    The boy looked into his grandfather's 9 and asked, " 10  tiger always controls you, Grandfather?"

    The old man said slowly and seriously, "The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now.

    A . father B . grandfather
    A . love B . hate C . enjoy
    A . Make B . Help C . Let
    A . listened B . felt C . talked
    A . good B . lazy C . quiet
    A . at B . about C . with
    A . other B . the other C . another
    A . because B . though C . but
    A . eyes B . ears C . mouth
    A . Who B . Which C . When