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        My father went to Australia last year. He took many photos and kept a  d when he was there. You want to see the photos? OK, here we go.

        This is Ayers Rock in central Australia, A to the local people, it's a magical place. It's 348 metres in h . This is the Sydney Opera House. Everyone is surprised at its shape for it's like a huge sailing boat. That's the Great Barrier Reef, It lies o the northeast coast of Australia.

        See those sheep farmers? They wear special hats w keep the flies away. They' re holding s to cut the wool off the sheep. And this photo is about an Englishman and an Australian, We all know Australians have a crelationship with the British. Many Australians have British r .

        "I went horse r in the afternoon, The horse I rode was lazy, but I enjoyed the slow ride. Our guide told us about the spirits of Australians in different p . I like those interesting stories very much. We plan to go surfing tomorrow. "Those are the ending words of my father's diary.
