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当前位置: 初中英语 / 其他 / 补全对话
  • 1. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。

    A: Hi, Lisa!

    B: We have Chinese at eight o'clock and science at nine. Then we have math. Do you like math, Mike?

    A:  I like the lessons on Monday afternoon: English and art. What lessons do we have on Friday?

    B: We have English, Chinese and geography.

    A: And in the afternoon?

    B: No, we don't. We have art and history. History is my favorite subject.


    B: Because it's very interesting.

    A: My favorite subject is Chinese. I like those stories (故事) in the book.

    A. Why do you like it best?

    B. Yes, I do.

    C. Do we have math?

    D. What are our lessons on Monday morning?

    E. Do you like history?

    F. What's your favorite subject?

    G. No, it's too difficult.
