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当前位置: 初中英语 / 初中英语 / 外研(新标准)版 / 九年级下册 / Module 4 Rules and suggestions / 本模块复习与测试
  • 1. 情景交际

            A. that's too bad. 

            B I left my cell phone in one of the clothing shops.

            C It doesn't matter.  

            D You should go to the police station.

            E It wasn't there .

            F That's really kind of you. 

    M: Why do you look so unhappy , Jane ?

    W: I went shopping this morning .

    M: Oh, Did you get back ?

    W: No, I didn't . I went back to the clothing shop and the shop assistant said that . I think someone must have taken it  

    M: I think         

    W: I think so, too

    M: Well, I can go there with you

    W: Thanks a lot

    M: Not at all . Let's go now

    W: OK