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当前位置: 高中英语 / 高中英语 / 外研版 / 必修3 / Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries
  • 1. 阅读理解

            More than six hundred delegates have been meeting in Burkina Faso this week to discuss education in Africa.The aim is to find ways to support economic growth by improving education and job training programs.

            The delegates include education ministers and representatives of civil society, business, labor and youth groups.The meeting, held every three years, is known as the Triennial.

            Ahlin Byll­Cataria is executive secretary of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa.His group organized the week­long conference.He says there is a missing link between education and employment in Africa.For example, schools need to improve technical training for students who do not continue with secondary education.

            Mr.Byll­Cataria says educational programs need to be reshaped to better fit the needs of employers.“For instance, where they have to train engineers, there is a lot of discussion between the schools and the companies in order to know the demands of the companies.So that is exactly what we also want to promote.”

            Several West African countries are working together to develop a network of trade and vocational schools.The idea is based in part on a successful example developed by Nigeria.

            Mr.Byll­Cataria says educators are working to connect government­run school systems with other groups that are helping educate students.These include nongovernmental organizations, community literacy centers and faith­based groups.Among these groups are Islamic schools,or madrasas that are expanding what they teach.Another subject for the conference was peace education.The idea grew out of the violence in Kenya related to elections in two thousand seven.The idea of peace education has spread to countries including Rwanda,     Somalia, Ivory Coast,Sierra Leone and Liberia.New technology offers a way for Africans living elsewhere in the world.For example,a professor from Burkina Faso living in the United States could use videoconferencing to teach a class back home.


    ①representative n . 代表,众议员,典型 ②executive adj.实行的,执行的,行政的 ③promote vt.促进,提升,升迁 ④vocational school职业学校

    1. (1) Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

      A . Link Education and Employment in Africa B . Africa Is to Education and Culture C . The Whole World Cares for Africa D . Find Job Chance in Africa
    2. (2) According to the passage, we can know that________.

      A . the delegates are made up of high officials B . the conference was held in Triennial C . the meeting was held every three years D . the delegates come from advanced countries
    3. (3) We can know from Mr.Byll­Cataria's words that________.

      A . the meeting will last three weeks B . schools should develop technical training C . there is no need of employers in Africa D . schools and the companies are opposite
    4. (4) Among West African countries,________.

      A . no schools like to work with the companies B . the demands of the company are limited C . Nigeria has set a good example for others D . the network of trade is very backward
    5. (5) The meeting calls on peace education________.

      A . to show Africa is in time of war B . to stress the importance of education C . to criticize the situation of Kenya D . to imply no one cares for Africa