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  • 1. 完形填空

      Since I have been in my new neighborhood, I have had the pleasure of meeting a few of my neighbors.My  1  idea was to make small fruit baskets and leave them on each of my neighbors' front porches(门廊)the night of Christmas Eve for them to find. I2the cards:“Happy Holidays from 5104 Northumberland Road.”

            I 3the friendly lady for last, since I was still not exactly sure where she lived. I4decided upon a house down about where I met her each morning and felt relatively5that it was hers.

           This morning I noticed a small 6inside the mailbox.It was addressed simply—Resident, 5104 Northumberland Road. I opened the 7aand took out a thank­-you card.The8said,“Thank you for the lovely fruit basket you9on the porch of Richard Kelly. It was very10. Richard Kelly passed away half a month ago. He never stopped  11about how nice it was that someone rememberedhim in his time of 12. He really appreciated it.”

            I was sincerely 13. I had no idea who Richard Kelly was or that he had been gravely ill. I had left that14lady's basket on Mr Kelly's porch by 15. I wanted to say by mistake, but that would be wrong.I believe that Richard Kelly was16to have that basket. I hate that the lady did not get to17a fruit basket from me, but I believe that 18she knew what had happened, she would not have had the outcome any other way.

             I feel blessed to have helped Richard Kelly's last days be more19. This just further reinforces (加强)my belief that there are never any20 in life.


    ①addressvt.(在信封或包裹上)写姓名地址 ②appreciatevt. & vi.感激,感谢,鉴赏,欣赏,赏识

    A . gift                                 B . sympathy C . visit       D . greeting
    A . signed     B . made C . wrote D . posted
    A . helped                         B . called C . thanked  D . saved
    A . immediately                B . finally C . honestly      D . terribly
    A . sure                B . happy  C . sorry    D . content
    A . basket     B . present  C . note D . cheque
    A . mailbox                    B . window C . book     D . envelope
    A . author      B . owner C . card  D . picture
    A . made                      B . left C . provided  D . designed
    A . thoughtful          B . attractive C . valuable      D . practical
    A . asking              B . talking C . wondering    D . worrying
    A . illness  B . trouble C . poverty  D . danger
    A . excited               B . interested C . moved         D . shocked
    A . poor      B . nice C . sick  D . lonely
    A . accident                    B . hand C . day  D . turn
    A . allowed                     B . meant C . advised  D . forbidden
    A . find       B . hide C . receive  D . buy
    A . unless                B . because C . if  D . though
    A . hopeful                    B . cheerful C . wonderful D . meaningful
    A . mistakes                     B . regrets C . changes  D . secrets