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当前位置: 初中英语 / 初中英语 / 外研(新标准)版 / 七年级上册 / Module 8 Choosing presents / Unit 2 She often goes to concerts.
  • 1.


    A. What present do you want to buy?

    B. Wou ld you like to buy the ticket with me?

    C. Let's go after school.

    D. What does he like?

    E. What about a concert ticket?

    A: It's Tom's birthday on Saturday. I want to buy him a present.


    A: I want to buy him a football.

    B: Oh, he never plays football.


    B: He likes music very much. He often goes to concerts and usually buys CDs by his favourite singers.


    B: OK, that's a good idea. Let's give him a concert ticket on his birthday.


    B: Yes, but when shall we go?


    B: OK! See you then.