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        Jackie's mother died when she was giving birth to Jackie. Every year as Mother's Day got near, he would feel very sad and ask himself, "Why don't I have a mother? Why do I miss my mom even though I have never met her?"

        Then one Mother's Day, while all the other children were celebrating it with their mothers, Jackie walked along a road and cried sadly. An old woman saw this and asked him what was wrong. Jackie said that it was the saddest day of the year as it always made him think about his mother. He didn't have a mother to grow up with. Instead, he lived with his grandparents.

        The old woman listened to him carefully. After a while, she said, "You may not have a mother, but don't forget, young boy, Mother's Day is the day when we remember all mothers everywhere. We honor many things they do for us. Look at that young mother with her two kids, she has to carry the two kids and her groceries(食品杂货)all the way home. She does it out of love for her family. And don't forget that a grandmother is also a mother. "

        Jackie opened his eyes wide. He began to realize this was a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's Day.

    1. (1) The story happened             .
      A . on the road B . in Jackie's home C . in a grocery store D . in the old woman's home
    2. (2) Mother's Day was the saddest day for Jackie because             .
      A . his mother didn't like it B . he didn't like his mother C . it reminded him of his mother D . he didn't have money to buy gifts for his mother
    3. (3) The old woman was             .
      A . brave B . kind C . strict D . honest
    4. (4) What can we learn from the story?
      A . Jackie's mother died of old age. B . Jackie and his grandparents didn't get on well. C . The old woman knew Jackie's mother very well. D . Jackie used to dislike celebrating Mother's Day.
    5. (5) What would Jackie most probably do after talking with the old woman?
      A . He would say sorry to the old woman. B . He would warn the old woman to leave him alone. C . He would go home and say "Happy Mother's Day" to Grandma. D . He would go to say "Happy Mother's Day" to the young mother.