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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空由处的最佳选项。

        Do you know what hand gestures are? They're a way of 1 with others and showing our feelings. These gestures are the most 2 when someone is peaking to a stranger who doesn't know the 3 language. The meanings of hand gestures in different cultures may be translated (被翻译)4 .

        To explain my point. I'll take a common 5 of President George W. Bush. He once made a small mistake (错误) 6 gestures during a visit to Australia.

        After some visits and meetings, he saw many people. He tried to show a peace sign by 7 the two fingers as a V-sign at the crowd. You may think it's just a simple gesture. But he was really 8! His palm (手掌) faced inwards instead of facing outwards. In Australia, it is impolite to do like this. So Australians felt very puzzled (困惑的). As we can see, it's important to understand the 9 of gestures before we travel to other countries. Some gestures are good ones in one country, but maybe they're impolite gestures in other countries. So, if we go to different countries, we should 10 different hand gestures. It may make us become more popular.

    A . playing B . eating C . communicating
    A . funny B . helpful C . difficult
    A . local B . simple C . final
    A . confidently B . differently C . brightly
    A . way B . example C . work
    A . face B . head C . hand
    A . moving B . pulling C . improving
    A . weak B . interesting C . wrong
    A . invention B . appearance C . meanings
    A . learn B . reject C . suffer