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        From Mozart to Metallica, tons of people enjoy listening to various types of music while they paint, write, or draw. Many believe that music helps boost creativity, but an international study conducted by English and Swedish researchers is challenging that belief. Their findings indicate music actually stymies creativity.

        To come to their conclusions, researchers had participants complete verbal insight problems designed to inspire creativity while sitting in a quiet room, and then again while music played in the background. They found that background music "significantly damaged" the participants' ability to complete tasks associated with verbal creativity. The research team also tested background noises such as those commonly heard in a library, but found that such noises had no impact on subjects' creativity. The tasks were simple word games. For example, participants were given three words, such as dress, dial, and flower. Then, they were asked to find a single word associated with all three that could be combined to form a common phrase or word. The single word, in this case, would be "sun" (sundress, sunflower, etc). Participants completed the tasks in either a quiet room, or while exposed to three different types of music; music with unfamiliar lyrics, instrumental music, or music with familiar lyrics.

        "We found strong evidence of damaged performance when playing background music in comparison to quiet background conditions," says co-author Dr. Neil McLatchie of Lancaster University.

        Dr. McLatchie and his colleagues theorize that music interferes with the verbal working memory processes of the brain, blocking creativity. Also, as far as the library background noises having seemingly no effect, the study's authors believe that was the case because library noises create a "steady state" environment that doesn't disrupt concentration. It's worth mentioning that even familiar music with well known lyrics damaged participants' creativity, regardless of whether or not it caused a positive reaction, or whether participants typically studied or created while listening to music.

        "To conclude, the findings here challenge the popular view that music strengthens creativity, and instead demonstrate that music, regardless of the presence of semantic (语义的) content (no lyrics, familiar lyrics or unfamiliar lyrics), consistently disrupts creative performance in insight problem solving," the study reads.

    1. (1) Why are Mozart and Metallica mentioned at the beginning?
      A . To prove they are very creative. B . To introduce the topic of the text. C . To show the importance of music. D . To offer some background information.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "stymies" in the first paragraph probably mean?
      A . Blocks. B . Boosts. C . Inspires. D . Strengthens.
    3. (3) If the participants were given the words fire, place and book during the game, a proper answer could be        .
      A . man B . store C . work D . birth
    4. (4) What do we know about the study?
      A . The tasks were very difficult for participants to finish. B . All participants were exposed to two different types of music. C . Music with famous lyrics didn't harm participants' creativity. D . Library background noises hardly affected participants' creativity.