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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Here is the charity sale(义卖) for the poor African children. We will give away the money we raise in the charity sale. Come and see our things.

        I have some soft toys to sell. The teddy bear is my thirteen-year- old birthday present. I have had it for one year. It still looks very new. Its original price (原价) is $50. You only need to pay $ 15 for it now. Other toys are very new but cheap, too.

    — Nancy

        I have an MP3 player. I have had it for three months. It works very well now. It stays with me whenever I feel upset. And I have downloaded (下载) some pop songs in it. I hope it can be with you when you are not happy. It cost $ 220. Now, you can take it with $ 100.

    — David

        I want to sell some of my fictions. I began to buy fictions when I was thirteen years old. My favorite fiction is Alice in Wonderland. I believe anyone like me will learn a lot from this fiction. Each fiction only costs $ 10. You can get the second at half price.

    — Henry

    1. (1) Who may get the money raised from the charity sale?
      A . A poor child in Africa. B . A homeless man from America. C . A disabled man in hospital. D . A poor family with three children.
    2. (2) How old is Nancy?
      A . 12. B . 13. C . 14. D . 15.
    3. (3) According to the passage, what may David do when he is unhappy?
      A . Listen to music. B . Watch movies. C . Read fictions. D . Play with toys.
    4. (4) How much will you pay if you buy two books from Henry?
      A . $5. B . $10. C . $15. D . $20.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . You can get the teddy bear at half price. B . There are many rock songs in David's MP3 player. C . Henry learns a lot from Alice in Wonderland. D . The four children sell different things.