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        Papua New Guinea (巴布亚新几内亚) Papua New Guinea is a country that lies in the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and its islands. With a population of about 8 million, it is the largest and most popular of the Pacific island countries, with more than 600islands lying off its 8,300-kilometer-long coastline (海岸线). The coastline itself is home to thousands of kinds of animals and plants, and it is one of the world's most beautiful beaches. All year round, you can see young men and women enjoy the sunshine, waves, sand volleyball and fresh air. Not far from the beaches, you can find the rainforest with birds flying around. When the sun falls in the west, you may see one or two huge ships sailing towards the sun. Will it take me home? Sometimes you might ask yourself like this in your heart.

        Papua New Guinea's land and islands are popular with deep sea divers, because they can visit the "underwater photographers' paradise (海底摄影家天堂)". People think that the island's culture is very special, with more than 1,000 resident tribes (土著部落) and over 800 languages.

    1. (1) Papua New Guinea has a population of 80,000,000.
    2. (2) There are more than 600 islands in the Pacific Island countries.
    3. (3) Deep sea divers like Papua New Guinea's land and islands.
    4. (4) All year round, people like to play sand volleyball on the beaches in Papua New Guinea.