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  • 1. Choose the words to complete the passage.

        In our country there are street names everywhere. So it is 1 for us to give directions. You can just say what street a 2is on. For example: It's on Guang Ming Street. It's next to the bank. However, there are no street names in some other countries. How do the people give directions then?

        Most visitors from other countries are often puzzledin Japan because most streets there don't have names. In Japan, people use 3. For example, when you ask the way to the hospital, the Japanese will say," Go straight down to the corner. Turn right at the big hotel and go past a bookstore. The hospital is there."

        People in California have no idea of distance in their minds. They give distance by means of time, not miles." 4is the hospital?" you ask." Oh," they answer, "It's about ten minutes from here." You say," Yes, but how many miles away is it?" They don't know.

        People in Greece won't tell you 5the hospital is. Because visitors cannot understand the Greek language. But a Greek often says, "6me." Then he'll lead you through the streets of the city to the hospital.

    A . difficult B . hard C . easy D . impossible
    A . tree B . building C . bus D . book
    A . maps B . words C . landmarks D . signs
    A . How far B . How long C . How often D . How soon
    A . What B . When C . How D . Where
    A . Excuse B . Watch C . Follow D . Believe