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当前位置: 初中英语 / 其他 / 选词填空
  • 1. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。

    bore  difficult  fun  have  relax  interest  watch  get  great  sound

    1. (1) —Let's watch the basketball game.

      —It good.

    2. (2) I don't like math. It's .
    3. (3) Mother often tells us stories.
    4. (4) I TV every evening with my family.
    5. (5) —Let's go and play volleyball.

      —That's .

    6. (6) I play the computer game when I'm tired. It is .
    7. (7) I don't like English. I think it's too . Can you teach me?
    8. (8) The movie is so . Everyone likes it.
    9. (9) Jackson seven baseballs.
    10. (10) Let me the soccer ball.
