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  • 1. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        I was asked by a reader recently why so many animals seem to have pink ears, when their bodies are all different colours? The truth is that most animals actually don't have pink ears. Let us explain.

        Near the equator (赤道), where the climate is hot, animals are likely to have darker skin, including on their ears. Think of the African elephant, which has quite dark ears. In colder climates, skin colour is usually lighter and often pink.

        Why is skin colour different in different climates?Skin pigmentation, which is what gives skin its colour, can protect against sunburn and skin cancer (癌症). When animals live in colder parts of the world, they don't need it as much to survive. Light-coloured skin also helps animals stay warmer because it reduces heat loss, which is useful if you're in a colder climate.

        For most animals, the colour of their fur or other body covering has generally developed as camouflage. That allows animals to mix into the background and avoid being eaten, or for predators (捕食者) to remain hidden during hunting. One example is the sandy-coloured coat of the desert fennec fox, which uses camouflage for both hunting and hiding.

        By the way, in many animals, ears come in many different shapes and sizes. For example, in bats, the serval (a type of African wildcat) and the fennec fox, the ears are large compared to their body size—this helps them hear better because it allows them to sense more sound waves. Naked mole-rats have tiny ears because they need to dig a lot. Big ears would get in the way. The other downside of big ears is that you can lose a lot of body heat. That's why animals that live in really cold places, like the Arctic fox, have quite small ears.

    1. (1) Who is the author most likely to be?
      A . A teacher. B . A librarian. C . A zoo worker. D . A science writer.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
      A . Sunlight B . Camouflage C . Skin pigmentation D . Light-coloured skin
    3. (3) Which animal uses its skin colour to protect itself from being eaten?
      A . The Arctic fox. B . The naked mole-rat. C . The African elephant. D . The desert fennec fox.
    4. (4) What do we know about animals living in cold places?
      A . They usually have small light-coloured ears. B . They know ways to store body heat. C . They need big ears to keep warm. D . They usually have good hearing.