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        I go to a supermarket with my mother. It is very big. It has a clothes store,a fruit store and a vegetable store. First we go to the clothes store. My mother buys a nice sweater. She asks the clerk the price of the sweater. The clerk says it's $38. My mother takes it. She likes it very much. And she buys me a jacket. I want to know how much it is. So I look at the price card,it says $45. Then in the fruit store,we buy some apples,bananas and pears. We don't need vegetables,so we don't go to the vegetable store. We bring our things home.

    1. (1) There are ________ stores in the supermarket.
      A . 1 B . 2 C . 3 D . 4
    2. (2) My mother buys ________ in the supermarket.
      A . a nice sweater B . a sweater and some fruit C . a nice sweater, a jacket and some fruit D . a sweater and a jacket
    3. (3) Mother pays ________ for the clothes.
      A . $83 B . $38 C . $45 D . $85
    4. (4) ________ tells me the price of the jacket.
      A . Mother B . The clerk C . Father D . The price card
    5. (5) We don't buy vegetables because ________.
      A . we don't need vegetables B . there are no vegetables C . we don't go to the vegetable store D . there is no vegetable store in the supermarket