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  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        HANGZHOU-Chinese internet giant Alibaba on Tuesday opened a hotel loaded with artificial intelligence (AI) and robots, automating a series of procedures like check-in, lights control and room service.

        FlyZoo Hotel, opened in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang province, where Alibaba is headquartered, is known as the company's first "future hotel". Customers can check into the hotel by simply scanning their faces. The facial recognition system installed in the hotel also enables customers to use their faces as key cards to open doors and access another hotel service. Users can also control the lights, televisions and curtains in the room via Alibaba's voice-activated digital assistant, while robots are deployed to serve dishes, cocktails and coffee. Hotel bookings and check-out can also be done with a few clicks on mobile through an app. The Al-based solution can help customers save time and relieve hotel employees from repetitive work," said Wang Qun, CEO of FlyZoo Hotel. The hotel is the latest example of Chinese tech companies1 attempt into traditional industries such as the hotel industry.

        E-commerce giant JD.com announced in October its strategy to put smart home and electronic devices sold on its platform into hotels, in an effort to improve online sales.

        In July, Baidu teamed up with Intercontinental Hotels Group in Beijing to allow guests to use its voice-controlled assistant to adjust room temperature and order room service at ease.

        Before that, social media giant Tencent introduced QQ family, a similar tech solution for hotel operators, in the southern city of Zhuhai last year.

        "We want to install a 'smart brain' for hotels, " said Wang, "In the future, we will continue to make hotels smarter and more automated, as well as create more personalized experiences for consumers."

    1. (1) How can customers check into FlyZoo Hotel?
      A . By scanning their faces. B . By clicking their mobile phones. C . By showing hotel staff their ID cards. D . By using voice-activated digital assistant.
    2. (2) Which of the following hasn't been realized?
      A . All hotel service is provided by robots. B . Room service can be controlled by artificial intelligence. C . Room temperature can be adjusted by artificial intelligence. D . Televisions can be turned off by voice-activated digital assistant.
    3. (3) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . Internet giants open Al in future hotel. B . Artificial intelligence is used in hotels. C . Internet giants switch to hotel industry. D . Traditional hotels will disappear soon.