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当前位置: 初中英语 / 阅读理解 / 人物传记/故事阅读类
  • 1. 阅读理解

        Thomas Edison was born in 1847. When he was five, his father saw him sitting on some eggs, and asked what he was doing that for. He did not reply(回答). Instead he asked why he was not able to hatch(孵化)chickens while the hens could.

        Edison liked asking a lot of strange questions. His teacher did not understand him and said that he was not bright and was not worth teaching. His mother took him out of school and taught him herself.

        By the time he was ten, he had already built a small chemistry(化学) lab of his own. He planted vegetables in his garden and sold them.

        Once his mother was ill. The doctor said she needed an operation at once. But it was the night and the oil lamp in the room gave off poor light. Edison thought hard and had an idea. He put all the oil lamps he could find on a long table. Then he placed a big mirror(镜子)behind them. The room became quite bright. So the doctor could operate, and his mother was saved. At the age of twelve, Edison began selling candies, sandwiches and newspapers on the train. One day in August, 1862, Edison saw a boy playing on the tracks at a station. A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened to move. Edison rushed out and carried the boy to safety. The boy's father was the station master. He was so thankful that he taught Edison railway telegraphy(电报通讯术). This gave him a start in his life.

    1. (1) When Edison was five, he was sitting on some eggs ________.
      A . to hatch chickens B . to lay an egg C . to cook eggs D . to eat the eggs
    2. (2) Edison built his own chemistry lab________.
      A . when he was five B . at the age of ten C . when he was sixteen D . at the age of twelve
    3. (3) The underlined word "operation" in the passage means________.
      A . 护士 B . 医院 C . 手术 D . 救护车
    4. (4) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
      A . Edison's teacher thought that Edison was not bright and was not worth teaching. B . Edison was interested in science when he was young. C . Edison saved the station master's son one day in August, 1862. D . Edison left his home to work in different cities when he was twelve.