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当前位置: 初中英语 / 初中英语 / 牛津上海(试用本) / 六年级下册 / Module 3 The nature world / 本单元复习与测试
  • 1. 单词拼写

        Most of us use alarm clocks to wake up at the right time for work. We look at our wto know when to catch a bus or train. However, there is also a right time to eat, sleep, exercise, and take medicine, too. We can't look at a clock for the right time for these activities. We must listen to the clock inside our b our biological clock.

        Today, doctors are learning more about chronobiology (生物钟学), the study of biological clocks. They are learning about the iof time for our bodies. For example, it is best for people to go to sleep at the stime every night and to eat only when they're hungry. Also, doctors have discovered that some i, such as heart attacks, occur most often in the morning. This information tells them that the btime to take heart medicine may be at night. When patients take heart medicine at night, they may prevent a heart ain the morning.