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    A Letter from Willa Cather to President TomaS Masaryk

    Honored Sir, 

    Your letter, sent to me through your Legation at Washington, confers upon me great honor and gives me great pleasure. I am glad to have carried a message from the Bohemian (波希米亚) neighbors, whom I grew up with, to their home country of the

    Czech Republic.

    I have just returned to New York, where I had the pleasure of taking Annie Pavelka, the living "Antonia" in my book My Antonia, and six of her children to the first screening of A Lost Lady. I have the good fortune to proserve relations with most of my characters. "Antonia" and her splendid children are flesh and blood realities. Every time I go back to them, I feel how much more interesting and lovable they are than my picture of them. I wish I could present them to you in person.

    I regret that I cannot satisfactorily meet your kind request for biographical (传记的) material. I avoid biographers, asking them to wait until I get my work further along. My first novel was published in 1912, and a period of twelve years is hardly long enough for a writer to find the form best suited for writing. I was not young when I began to write, and though living is a good preparation for writing, I do need more time to acquire a simple and modest way of presenting my work, however well I know what I wish to present.

    I am able to send you a very good photograph taken recently. I enclose a short biographical account which my publishers use for publicity purposes, and some casual reviews. Biographies usually begin to come along just about the time a writer has no more to say, and I do not feel that time has yet come to me.

    I beg you, President Masaryk, to believe in my grateful appreciation of your letter.

    Respectfully yours,

    Willa Cather

    1. (1) Who is Antonia?
      A . A director of a movie. B . A character in a book. C . Cather's relative in New York. D . Cather's neighbor from Bohemia.
    2. (2) What does the author need for a most suitable writing style according to paragraph 3?
      A . Time. B . Youth. C . Publishers' advice. D . Financial support.
    3. (3) What does writing a biography mean to the author according to paragraph 4?
      A . An inspiration to her readers. B . A record of her achievements. C . A window into a writer's world. D . An endpoint in a writer's career.
    4. (4) What is the author's purpose in writing this letter?
      A . To rebuild her Bohemian connection. B . To decline the president's request. C . To explain her philosophy of writing. D . To appreciate the president's interest.