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    The Potala Palace(布达拉宫) is the highest "castle" in the world. If you don't visit the Potala Palace during your trip to Tibet, it will be a great (遗憾).

    The (中心的) part of the Potala Palace is known as the Red Temple. The east and west wings of the palace are named the White Temple, which is regarded as the largest hall. It is 717(平方) meters. It is used by the Dalai Lamas to (出席) important events there.

    Today, the Potala Palace is (著名的) as one of the most popular museums in the world. Besides this, the paintings are an (重要的) part of the artworks there, with over 2,500 square meters. Their themes are colorful,(古代的) stories, sports and more. And there are also a large number of sculptures from the (第六) century. They are made of stone, wood and clay.

    The palace itself is a valuable (财富) for all mankind. Those works of art tell many stories of the Dalai Lamas and the(当地的) custom of the Tibetan people.They have made the Potala Palace a great place to enjoy Tibetan culture.