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当前位置: 初中英语 /
  • 1. Read the conversations. 朗读对话。

    1. (1) A: Is this your⤻ruler?                          B: ⤼ Yes, it ⤼ is.
    2. (2) A: Is that your⤻ schoolbag?                      B: ⤼No, it⤼ isn't.
    3. (3) A: Are these her⤻ books?                           B: ⤼ Yes, they⤼ are.
    4. (4) A: These are my⤼ keys. Are those your ⤻ keys?         B: ⤼No, they ⤼ aren't.
    5. (5) A: This is his⤼ ruler. Are these his ⤻ pens?                 B: ⤼ Yes, they⤼ are.
