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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        Irene sat quietly by the window and sighed, "Where are you, Fluffy? Please  1 soon."

        Her mother came in, sat beside her and stroked (轻抚) her head, "Don't worry, Irene, we'll find her." Irene hugged her mother and cried.

        Fluffy was Irene's pet dog. When she came home from school, Fluffy would be the first one to 2 her. After finishing all that needed to be done, Irene and Fluffy would play a 3 of catch. Fluffy knew when Irene was too 4 to play, and she would sit 5on her knees and let Irene stroke her. Irene felt that Fluffy was the only one who 6 her. So Irene loved her with all her heart.

        Then one day,  7 terrible happened. Irene came home and found Fluffy was gone. Her mother had no 8 where Fluffy was. Irene searched and called but Fluffy was still not around. Her father went out and looked for Fluffy. However, he came home empty-handed. That night, Irene  9 sleep at all. She thought she would  10 see Fluffy.

        The next morning, as soon as she walked into the living room, she saw Fluffy sitting on the sofa. What a surprise! Irene ran forward and hugged her.

    A . set off                B . come back C . pick up
    A . expect                  B . greet  C . call     
    A . joke                    B . role C . game      
    A . tired                B . excited C . patient
    A . heavily                B . loudly C . quietly
    A . understood       B . helped               C . noticed
    A . everything       B . nothing C . something
    A . hope                  B . idea   C . purpose
    A . couldn't               B . needn't    C . mustn't
    A . often              B . never C . almost