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        I am Donnie and I am a good dog. I live with my brother Buddy. He is good, but he jumps up on things a lot. I don't like to do it. We live in a cute doghouse in the backyard. We keep the yard safe (安全的). If we see anyone strange (陌生的), we bark (吠叫). Then the person knows he must stay away from our home. Buddy likes to jump up, and that really scares people away.

        I love when Mr. Smith feeds us. Mr. Smith is good too. I think he's very smart. Sometimes Mr. Smith isn't home for a long time. But he leaves out food and water for us, so I can't complain too much. Today the food is good and Mr. Smith stays home all day. He is reading a fun book.

        On cold days, Mr. Smith asks us to stay inside. Buddy sometimes gets us in trouble (麻烦) by jumping up on the sofa. I try and get Buddy to be good because I want to stay inside longer. But Buddy is not very good at being good!

    1. (1) How is Buddy different from Donnie?
      A . He is cute. B . He barks a lot. C . He likes to jump up on things.
    2. (2) What does the word "complain" mean?
      A . 抱怨 B . 逃避 C . 放弃
    3. (3) Donnie and Buddy can go inside the room ______.
      A . in the afternoon B . in the evening C . when it is cold
    4. (4) Buddy sometimes makes trouble and then Buddy and Donnie can't ______.
      A . get good food B . stay inside the room C . play in the backyard