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  • 1. (2024高三下·广东月考) 阅读理解

    We learn about the world through the knowledge accumulated (积累) over  thousands of years. Standing on the shoulders of great men, we don't have to experience endless trial and error, just as the wheels do not have to be reinvented each time to run a car. But where does our ability to learn from others come from?

    A study led by Markus Paulus, professor at Loyola Marymount University, shows that the ability has its roots in earliest childhood. "I's generally assumed that children's ability to imitate (模仿) is in born, but according to our observation, children imitate because they themselves are imitated by caregivers. This interaction enables a cultural transfer of knowledge, which, through generations' efforts, consequently leads to the development of human beings," says Markus Paulus.

    In this research, Paulus recorded the interaction between mother and child over several months. The babies came into the lab for the first time at the age of 6 months, while their final visit was when they were 18 months old. As they engaged in various play situations, the interactions and imitations of mother and child were analyzed. The long-term study showed what the more sensitive a mother was in her interactions with her six-month-old child and the more often she imitated the baby, the greater the child's overall ability was at the age of 18 months.

    Paulus' research shows that mutual imitation is the keystone of knowledge transfer, through which children successfully learn various skills, such as how to use objects, waving and acquisition of language. "This interaction is the nucleus of learning and, finally, gives rise to evolutionary success of human," says Paulus.

    "Culural learning is an essential part of human evolution, and it is rooted in the imitation of others, particularly oun caregivers during our earliest childhood," says Paulus. "Through this, we learn from each other and pass on knowledge to the next generation, so certain actions or techniques do not have to be constantly invented again."

    1. (1) Why does the author mention the example of wheels?
    2. (2) What can we learn about Paulus' research?
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "nucleus" mean in paragraph 4?
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
  • 1. (2024高三下·广东月考) 完形填空

    Summer Claylon may not have children in real life, but he's a "proud dad" to 2.8 million people on the Internet.

    Every week, he sits down to dinner and has a1 chat with his "kids". He looks into the camera and asks about their day. He2 them how to shave, and reminds them it's OK to be3 when life hurls. To some, his one-way conversations may seem4 But his efforts have struck a chord (引起共鸣) among people who 5 a father figure—or just someone who listens lo their 6 in the daily life.

    Clayton is a civilian fitness trainer in real life. He started 7 on the Internet in late 2020 with- inspirational and how-to videos, and 8 jokingly called him "dad" His first video to go viral was a shaving how-10-a 9 to someone who sent him a message asking, "hey Dad, can you teach me how to shave?" The video 10 , earning him lens of thousands of new fans within hours.

    Clayton's extended family comes in all11  . Many of his "kids" are old enough to be his parents. Clayton's12  doesn't seem to bother his fans. Al 58 , Sarah D'Imperio may not seem like Claylon's large audience, but she believes that it's a (n) 13  —idea , especially for youngsters who may not have a paternal (父亲的) role model that listens or has14  to listen. "It's just heartwarming to see someone, trying to 15  a small part of that role for anyone," she says.

    A .  quick B .  formal C .  secret D .  virtual
    A .  trains B .  convinces C .  teaches D .  supports
    A .  painful B .  peaceful C .  shameful D .  hopeful
    A .  dull B .  lough C .  silly D .  brief
    A .  find B .  need C .  admit D .  start
    A .  decisions B .  hobbies C .  excuses D .  troubles
    A .  posting B .  profiting C .  searching D .  donating
    A .  critics B .  followers C .  experts D .  reporters
    A .  suggestion B .  promise C .  reward D .  responise
    A .  caught up B .  came out C .  blew up D .  held out
    A .  places B .  ages C .  types D .  classes
    A .  faith B .  experience C .  youth D .  appearance
    A .  brilliant B .  ambitious C .  complicated D .  abstract
    A .  luck B .  time C .  energy D .  honor
    A .  value B .  create C .  define D .  fill
  • 1. (2024高三下·广东月考) 阅读理解

    Welcome to WSU Libraries! In this guide, we'll unlock the mysteries of call numbers and location prefixes. Knowing these helps you quickly locate and access your desired

    Call Numbers

    Books and material are arranged on our shelves according to the Library of Congress (LC) classification system. These call numbers uniquely identify and organize items near other material on the same or similar subjects. Consider the call number: LB2395 C65 1991.

    ●LB defines the subject area. The call letters are typically arranged in alphabetical (字母的) order, starting from A and continuing through the alphabet. Knowing the letter(s) for your subject area gives you a place to start browsing the shelves. For example: A—Special request General Works; B—Special request Special request Philosophy, Psychology, Religion; D—Special request World History; G—Geography; H—Special request Social Sciences; J—Special request Political Science; K—Special request Law; L—Special request Education; M—Special request Music; N—Special request Arts; P—Special request Language and Literature; Q—Special request Science...For more, click here.

    ●2395 is the classification number, which further distinguishes the subject matter. Read as a whole number: 1, 2, 3, 45, 100, 2430...

    ●C65 is the Cutter number and usually represents the author's last name. Find C, then 

    65. Read the number as a decimal (小数).

    ●1991 is the year of publication.

    Location Prefixes

    Some call numbers have a location prefix. I ocation prefixes mean that the book or material is shelved in a special place, and may have loan restrictions. WSU uses the following prefixes:



    Library Location

    Loan Period


    Circulating Collection

    2nd floor, 3rd floor, and 4th floor

    21-day loan


    Reference Collection

    1st floor, Reference Area

    Library-use only


    Reserve Collection

    1st floor, Circulation Area

    Library-use only



    2nd floor, Learning Resources Center

    Special request

    1. (1) Which book may be identified under the call number "NU238 C719 2013"?
    2. (2) What would be he Cutler number if you are looking for a book by Whitney Sherman?
    3. (3) Where can you find the book "Res AG243 G87 1992"?
  • 1. (2024高三下·广东月考) 假定你是李华, 你校将举办"经典文化探索展", 并通过网络进行直播。请你给外国笔友Hans写封邮件, 邀请他在线观看。内容包括:







    Dear Hans,


    Li Hua

  • 1. (2024高三下·广东月考) 阅读理解

    A Letter from Willa Cather to President TomaS Masaryk

    Honored Sir, 

    Your letter, sent to me through your Legation at Washington, confers upon me great honor and gives me great pleasure. I am glad to have carried a message from the Bohemian (波希米亚) neighbors, whom I grew up with, to their home country of the

    Czech Republic.

    I have just returned to New York, where I had the pleasure of taking Annie Pavelka, the living "Antonia" in my book My Antonia, and six of her children to the first screening of A Lost Lady. I have the good fortune to proserve relations with most of my characters. "Antonia" and her splendid children are flesh and blood realities. Every time I go back to them, I feel how much more interesting and lovable they are than my picture of them. I wish I could present them to you in person.

    I regret that I cannot satisfactorily meet your kind request for biographical (传记的) material. I avoid biographers, asking them to wait until I get my work further along. My first novel was published in 1912, and a period of twelve years is hardly long enough for a writer to find the form best suited for writing. I was not young when I began to write, and though living is a good preparation for writing, I do need more time to acquire a simple and modest way of presenting my work, however well I know what I wish to present.

    I am able to send you a very good photograph taken recently. I enclose a short biographical account which my publishers use for publicity purposes, and some casual reviews. Biographies usually begin to come along just about the time a writer has no more to say, and I do not feel that time has yet come to me.

    I beg you, President Masaryk, to believe in my grateful appreciation of your letter.

    Respectfully yours,

    Willa Cather

    1. (1) Who is Antonia?
    2. (2) What does the author need for a most suitable writing style according to paragraph 3?
    3. (3) What does writing a biography mean to the author according to paragraph 4?
    4. (4) What is the author's purpose in writing this letter?
  • 1. (2024高三下·广东月考)  七选五

    Getting older means greater maturity and wisdom. In a society that is aging fast, it has become crucial to find ways to prevent related mental and emotional disorders. Music emerges as a promising look for promoting well-being of the elderly.

    Music has a great power to cause strong emotions and intense pleasure.Singing and dancing to music with others is not only fun but also improves mood. Musical activities are great ways to reduce stress because they take our minds off problems. They also help us feel less lonely and more connected with other people.

    A song may become a soundtrack for a particular time, such as a delightful party with friends that you had a long time ago. Listening to that song allows you to remember all the happy memories from that time.

    Finally, music contributes to keeping our thinking skills sharp. It makes our brains work hard in unique ways to understand the rhythm and melody. For example, exposure to background music , particularly classical music, during cognilive ( 认知的) tasks is shown lo improve older people's cognitive processes, such as processing speed and working memory . In conclusion, music is a powerful look lo fight against aging-related emotional and cognitive problems. It is an enjoyable and social activily, available to anyone regardless of their background or previous musical experience.

    A. Music can also open forgotten doors lo our memories.

    B. Recalling happy memories can lift our mood on a bad day.

    C. Even passive music listening can help elderly adults think better.

    D. This helps people feel better when they are depressed or anxious.

    E. However, it often involves a series of physical and mental challenges.

    F. The ability to form new memories is essential for processing information.

    G. Thus, this accessible intervention should become a major policy priority for healthy aging.

  • 1. —Come on. Please give me some ideas about the project.

    —Sorry. With so much work (fill) my mind, I almost break down.

  • 1. There was a terrible noise (follow) the sudden burst of light.
  • 1. They use computers to keep the traffic (run) smoothly.
  • 1. (2024高一上·黔东南期末)  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    It is often challenging for teachers to make learning fun for students. If traditional methods of learning fail to capture students' attention, why not try a (create),approach?

    One option is to provide students  opportunities to teach each other When children are given the  (responsible) for their own learning or the learning of others, they (encourage) to thoroughly understand the material  (make) opportunities for students to teach each other, teachers can assign each student  topic and ask them to prepare a lesson on that topic Once prepared, students can present the material (base) on their topic in front of the class.

    Another approach is to have students work in pairs or small groups. Rather than immediately (seek) help from the teacher, students are required to rely on each other to solve any problems they encounter.

     (final), teachers can assign group projects to students,  will allow them to cooperate with their classmates, discuss problems together and make learning more enjoyable. When learning becomes engaging, students become more interested in it.

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