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  • 1. (2024高一下·武威月考) 阅读理解

    Bullying(欺凌)can happen to anyone. A great many children around the world are bullied every year, but there are things that can be done to help.

    What is bullying?

    Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school and online. Bullying includes: 

    ·calling people mean(恶意的)names

    ·laughing at people

    ·telling lies about people

    ·taking someone's things without permission

    ·not letting someone play in a group

    ·hitting people

    What is cyberbullying?

    Cyberbullying includes: 

    ·sending bad messages online

    ·sharing photos online without permission

    ·not letting someone be part of an online group

    ·spreading lies online

    What can you do?

    If someone is not kind to you, tell an adult that you know and like. For example, talk to a parent or a teacher.

    If you get bad messages, don't reply. You should save them and give them to your teacher, your family, or the police. Ask an adult for help. Don't share anything before you make sure it is true. That will help stop the cyberbullying.

    Talk to your parent or teacher or an adult if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend.

    Say sorry if you are not kind to someone. You can write a message or talk to the person.

    And always remember: think about how to be kind in the future.

    For more information, click(点击)hereandvisitourhomepageatwww.kidsword.com .

    1. (1)  Which of the following behaviours is considered as bullying?
    2. (2) What should you do if you're unkind to someone?
    3. (3)  Where is the text probably taken from?
  • 1. (2024高一下·武威月考) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It is strange how a small moment can change a person's life. My son walked into the kitchen this morning and opened his1 to me. I opened my arms too and gave him a big hug just like I do every morning. And this time a beautiful2 came back to me.

    My Italian grandma had been a big hugger when I was a boy, but my mum and dad didn't hug me much as I got3 . By the time I was a teenager then, except for my grandma, I didn't hug anyone.

    When I was sixteen, I 4 on a trip with a group of boys to tour a college. And on our way there, we also 5 an old temple. As we entered we were 6 there by the largest monk I had ever seen. He was over six and a half feet tall with 7 arms. And as he welcomed us, he gave each one of us a huge hug. When my own 8 came, I felt scared but 9 in and hugged him back. I felt 10 in my heart as he shared his loving-kindness. I felt peace and joy in my 11 as well. It was amazing. Later that day I began to 12 why I had ever stopped giving and 13 hugs when they brought so much 14 .

     When my own children were born then I 15 to never stop hugging them and telling them I loved them, no matter how big they grew or how old they got.

    A .  arms B .  hands C .  mouth D .  eyes
    A .  flash B .  style C .  topic D .  memory
    A .  older B .  stronger C .  quicker D .  slower
    A .  looked B .  opened C .  left D .  put
    A .  thought of B .  stopped by C .  asked for D .  burned down
    A .  greeted B .  annoyed C .  checked D .  cheated
    A .  suitable B .  thin C .  small D .  huge
    A .  challenge B .  confidence C .  turn D .  impression
    A .  jumped B .  broke C .  packed D .  stepped
    A .  warmth B .  anxiety C .  curiosity D .  horror
    A .  personality B .  adventure C .  spirit D .  stomach
    A .  realize B .  wonder C .  understand D .  notice
    A .  exploring B .  designing C .  refusing D .  receiving
    A .  advice B .  joy C .  blood D .  knowledge
    A .  decided B .  forgot C .  changed D .  returned
  • 1. (2024高一下·武威月考) 阅读理解

    If you want to travel to a unique place to see some fall leaves, you might want to visit Mt. Koya in Japan. Koyasan is home to 117 temples(寺庙). In the fall, the Japanese maple (枫树)leaves turn deep red and orange colours. Among them are the 1,200-year-old temples and halls that were designed by Kobo Daishi, the founder of Shingon Buddhism.

    Visitors to Koyasan can spend the night at a temple. For dinner there is traditional Buddhist food called shojin-ryori. In the evening you can enjoy the gardens or relax in the baths before bed. The rooms have the paper doors typical of traditional Japanese buildings, often with a garden view. If you wake up early, there is a morning prayer(祈祷)at 6 a. m. and anyone can join before heading to breakfast.

    In the centre of the temples is a cemetery(墓地). As you walk on the path you'll see a deep well. The legend says that if you can see your face clearly in the water, you will live a long life. Further on there is a special stone which they say is as heavy as your crimes. You can try to liftit with one hand to see how heavy it is!

    As you pass through the cemetery you will see some small stone men wearing bibs(围裙)and hats to keep them warm in the cold air. These are called Jizo, and they stay between Earth and the afterworld. They protect travellers, pregnant women, and also young children and babies before birth, during life, and after death. The reason they wear red bibs is because of their connection with the pronunciation of baby in Japanese.

    Some of the monks at the temples speak English, and there are English-speaking guides who do tours of the cemetery, so you can practise your English on your trip.

    1. (1) What can visitors do in the temples of Koyasan?
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 3 refer to?
    3. (3) Why do the small stone men wear red bibs?
    4. (4) What does the text mainly talk about?
  • 1. (2024高一下·武威月考) 阅读理解

    While broccoli(花椰菜)is typically considered a safe vegetable for dogs, there are still risks that you should know about.

    Is broccoli healthy for dogs? Generally, yes, broccoli is safe and even beneficial for your dog to eat, but it's still a vegetable that you should only feed to your dog in moderation. When it comes to how healthy broccoli is for your dog, it has some benefits that you definitely want to take advantage of during snack time. Broccoli is filled with vitamins and minerals, low in calories and packed with fiber(纤维)to help the digestive(消化的)system. There's a reason that it's just as good for us as it is for dogs!

    When giving your dog broccoli, it's important that you always feed it to your dog plain-meaning you aren't giving your dog broccoli that's been seasoned or cooked in butter or oil. This is because spices(香料)and fats aren't good for your dog and can cause an upset stomach.

    Can dogs eat raw broccoli? Broccoli given in its raw form is fine, but cooked broccoli is more widely recommended since it's easier for a dog to digest. While raw broccoli still contains beneficial vitamins and minerals, it can also be more difficult to digest. Raw broccoli can also be tough to chew on. Cutting the broccoli into smaller pieces, whether cooked or raw, will be much easier on your dog and ensure it passes through their digestive tract more smoothly.

    Of course, it's always best to talk with your veterinarian(兽医)before adding new foods to your pup's(幼狗仔)diet. Your vet can give you a good idea on how much and how often your dog can enjoy broccoli.

    1. (1)  What can we know about broccoli according to paragraph 2?
    2. (2) Why should we avoid feeding dogs with broccoli cooked in oil?
    3. (3) Why is it better for dogs to eat cooked broccoli?
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
  • 1. (2024高一下·武威月考) 假定你是李华,你校澳大利亚交换生John发邮件说他加入了你校"中国艺术社",该社团本学期开设了两门课程:中国书法和京剧,希望你能向他推荐其中一门课程。请你给他回一封邮件,内容包括:

    1. 你推荐的课程;

    2. 推荐理由;

    3. 你的祝福。

    参考词汇: 书法 calligraphy 京剧 Beijing Opera


    1. 写作词数应为80左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

  • 1. (2024高一下·阳山月考) ________ by the ________ story, the girl cried.
    A . Move; moving B . Moved; to move C . Movement; moved D . Moved; moving
  • 1. (2024高一下·阳山月考) At the same time, we all go through  (各种各样的)periods when we feel sad or alone.
  • 1. (2024高一下·阳山月考) The four countries that b to the United Kingdom work together in some areas.
  • 1. (2024·梅州模拟) 假定你是李华,你想通过阅读小说来提高自己的英语水平。请给外教David写封邮件,内容包括:1.简述你的英语水平;2.请他推荐一些读物。


    Dear David,


    Li Hua

  • 1. (2024高二下·怀仁月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Every new exercise routine comes a new risk of injury, whether it' s injuring a muscle from lifting or developing knee pain from running. Some people are unwilling to exercise for fear of in-jury.  There are estimated 8.6 million sports-related injuries each year in America. However, with the right methods, you can develop a well-rounded exercise routine, one that enlarges the benefits while reducing the risk of injury.

     One very common issue in runners is knee pain, which is often called " runner'  sknee" . To prevent it, for some people, it' s useful to warm up before running. Another common overuse injury among runners is stress fractures(骨折). This often happens when a runner tries to add too many miles too quickly, without taking enough rest days.

    Both of these injuries tend to happen because runners did something out of the ordinary com-pared to what they were trained to do. Take rest days, build up your mileage(里程) gradually and combine regular strength training.

    As with other injuries, the risk increases toward the end of a workout. It' s very essential to listen to your body. When it comes to making progress in a workout routine, continuous exercise with a gradual progression is strongly recommended.

    Exercise can put someone at risk of injury. There should be a balance between pushing yourself to get better and pushing yourself toward an injury. So encourage yourself to do some-thing that you are confident in doing.

    A. These fears are based on facts.

    B. Turn to a mixture of sports doctors.

    C. This type of exercise can increase the risk of injury.

    D. Therefore, the risk of hurting yourself will decrease.

    E. But not exercising puts someone at risk of poor health.

    F. Adjust in time, especially when tiredness starts to affect your form.

    G. Runners may come across two main sorts of injuries related to overuse.

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