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  • 1. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

        The Whites live in Hangzhou. Mr. and Mrs. White are teachers. They work in a school. They are busy from Monday to Friday. They have three children. They are Tom, Peter and Lucy. They go to school with their parents. Tom and Peter like to play football. But Lucy likes to draw pictures. They go to the library on Saturdays. They go to the park by car on Sundays. It's a very happy family.

    1. (1) The Whites live in ________.
      A . Beijing B . Shenyang C . Hangzhou
    2. (2) Mr. White works in a ________.
      A . school B . hospital C . library
    3. (3) Peter's sister is ________.
      A . Tom B . Lucy C . White
    4. (4) They go to ________ on Saturdays and ________ on Sundays.
      A . the zoo; the park B . the park; the school C . the library; the park
    5. (5) How many people are there in the family?
      A . Four. B . Five. C . Three.