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当前位置: 小学英语 /
  • 1.  Read and choose A, B or C.

    The May Day holiday is1 .We are going to have three days off. On the 2 day, I'm going to stay3 home and do my homework. My parents are going to give the house a good cleaning. On the second day, we are going to4 the mountain. Then we' re going to the farm5 car. We are going to stay on the6 for the night, too. On the third day, we are going to 7 horses and feed the goats and rabbits. After lunch we 8 to come back to my uncle's. We are going to eat9 with our grandparents,and then we will go10 home.

    A .  come B .  comes C .  coming
    A .  first B .  one C .  a
    A .  in B .  at C .  to
    A . climbing B .  climb C .  climbs
    A . by B .  on C .  to
    A . home B .  farm C .  park
    A .  ride B .  rides C .  riding
    A .  go B .  going C .  are going
    A .  lunch B .  dinner C .  breakfast
    A .  back to B .  back C .  to back