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  • 1. Read and finish.

    Dingding is a little boy. He is five. His grandfather and grandmother live on a big farm. There are many animals on the farm. Dingding likes the animals. He visits his grandparents with his parents on Sunday morning. He is so happy. He likes riding. He goes to see a horse. He wants to ride the horse. But it's too tall. He goes to see a duck. It's too small. He can't ride it. He is angry. Then he sees a big pig. He runs to the pig and rides on it. The pig is afraid. It runs fast! Dingding is afraid now. He shouts, "Help! Help!" His grandfather is worried. He runs after them. There is a little pool near the farm. The beach of the pool is wet. The pig falls down on the beach, and it is stuck in the mud. Dingding alls down from the pig. He is stuck in the mud, too. His grandfather pulls him out of the mud. He feels sad. But his parents and grandparents are happy!

    1. (1) Read and tick.





      When Dingding

      visits his grandparents 


      When Dingding can't ride the horse or duck


      When Dingding rides on the pig


      When Dingding is in the mud

    2. (2) How many animals does Dingding see?