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  • 1.  阅读短文,将人物能够做的活动序号填在相应的位置。 

    There are four people in my family. My father is a doctor. He can run fast and swim very well. He can play football. He can pass the ball well. My mother is a nurse. She can sing and dance very well. She can row a boat. She can jump high. She can't catch the ball well. Li Jun is my brother. He can play football and ride his bike. He can't swim. I'm Li Hui. I can sing and dance. I can catch the ball well. I can jump far.

    A. run fast 
    B. row a boat 

    C. play football 
    D. ride his bike 
    E. sing and dance 
    F. jump far 

    G. swim 
    H. catch the ball well 
    I. jump high 
    J. pass the ball well