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    The weather is getting hot. Would you like to have some cucumber with mashed garlic? When you enjoy this tasty summer dish, don't forget to say "thanks" to one person—Zhang Qian.

    Zhang Qian lived in the Han Dynasty. He was an early visitor on the Silk Road and brought many new foods and other things to China.

    The Silk Road was a long road. It was from China to Central Asia, and even Europe.

    Where is this dish from? Cucumbers came from South Asia. In early times, Chinese people called it "hugua". "Hu" means "foreign". That is to say it isn't from China. Later, its name changed to "huanggua".

    What about garlic? Its home was in Central Asia, too. Zhang Qian brought it to China about 2,000 years ago. Garlic can make many dishes taste better. It kills germs in our body and is good for our health.

    What is the Silk Road? The Silk Road was also called "Sweet(甜的) Road". Besides(除了) vegetables, it brought many kinds of tasty fruits to China, too. Do you like grapes? They also came from Central Asia. Chinese people used them to make wine.

    Did you know?

    Do you ever see the words "hu", "yang", "fan" or "xi" in Chinese names of some foods? These names usually mean that these foods do not come from China. For example, "huluobo (carrots)" and "yangcong(onions)". Can you find more?

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "germs" most probably mean in the passage?
      A . Something good. B . Something bad.   C . Something sweet. D . Something delicious.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Zhang Qian brought cucumber back from Central Asia. B . Garlic came from Central Asia about 2000 years ago. C . People used the grapes on the Silk Road to make wine. D . The Silk Road was from China to Europe and Africa.
    3. (3) What might be the best title of the passage?
      A . Foods through Silk Road B . Foods brought by Zhang Qian C . Healthy Foods from Other Places D . Dynasties in Chinese History