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    Yoga (瑜伽) from ancient India started during 1970-1980 in western countries. However, what has changed is not only the number, but also the style.

    Hot Yoga

    Imagine yourself in a room that is heated to about 40℃, moving quickly for 90 minutes. Yes, that's hot yoga. Fans of hot yoga believe it helps to lose weight. Even Lady Gaga likes doing it.

    Anti-Gravity Yoga (反重力瑜伽)

    Anti-gravity yoga is easy. With a silk hammock (吊床) hung from the top, this style of yoga allows you to hold positions longer. It is good for your blood flow. American actress Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the many fans.

    Laughter Yoga

    Laughter is the best medicine. This style of yoga seems silly and funny. You clap (拍手), laugh and sometimes shout like a lion. The aim is to relax yourself and get more feelings of happiness.

    1. (1) How long has yoga been in Western people's life?
      A . For at least 10 years. B . For over 40 years. C . For less than 30 years. D . For over 100 years.
    2. (2) Which style of yoga can you probably do if you want to lose weight?
      A . Hot yoga. B . Anti-gravity yoga. C . Laughter yoga. D . Hatha yoga.
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the hot yoga fans. B . The style of yoga hasn't changed in the past years. C . The temperature in a room for hot yoga is about 40℃. D . Anti-gravity yoga and laughter yoga are not good for our blood flow.