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  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    Are you always happy during your vacation? Many people may say "yes". But last week I had a bad vacation.

    My parents and I took a bus to the Great Wall. We got on the bus at 7:00 a.m. But on the half way, there was something wrong with the bus. After an hour, it started again. It was about 11:00 a.m. when we got to the Great Wall.

    We were excited when we stood on the Great Wall. My father took out the camera and wanted to take some photos. But just then, it started to rain. We had to go back to our bus. When we wanted to eat something, we found we left our food at home.

    1. (1) How did they go to the Great Wall?
      A . By taxi. B . By bus. C . On foot. D . By car.
    2. (2) How long did it take them to get to the Great Wall ?
      A . About 2 hours. B . About 3 hours. C . About 4 hours. D . About 5 hours.
    3. (3) How was the weather when they wanted to take photos?
      A . It started to rain. B . It started to snow. C . It was windy. D . It was cloudy.