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    Sarah went to Dalian with her parents over the summer holiday by plane. On Monday they went to the beach. It was beautiful. The weather was nice. They had great fun playing in the sea. In the afternoon, they went shopping. They bought some gifts. On Tuesday they went to a museum. It was great. They saw many wonderful things there. On Wednesday it rained a lot. They stayed at the hotel. They watched a funny show. On Thursday they went to the zoo and saw many animals. Then they came back by train.

    1. (1) Sarah went to Dalian  ________.
      A . by bus B . by car C . by plane
    2. (2) They went  to a museum  on__________.
      A . Monday B . Tuesday C . Wednesday
    3. (3) They went shopping in the  ________.
      A . morning B . afternoon C . evening
    4. (4) On Wednesday, it was ________.
      A . sunny B . cloudy C . rainy
    5. (5) They went to Dalian for   ________ days.
      A . two B . three C . four