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    Living in a city can be stressful. But some people in Bogota, Colombia have found a place to help reduce stress and get a break from busy life.  place is a park for hummingbirds(蜂鸟).

    The park (sit) at the top of Monserrate Hill in a place known as the Paramuno corridor. The area contains a forest that has turned into a peaceful place for both people and birds.

    As the hummingbirds fly from flower flower, some scientists concentrate on(集中于) the animals and study them, while others would like(take) pictures with their phones. Camilo Cantor is a worker in the park, job is to mix water and sugar along a 300 meter path. Cantor explains, “You can hear noise from the city, the producer of (pollute).” But, he adds, the park is a special place. It is a placepeople can go to reduce stress and forget about the pressure of city life.

    Ten years ago, the hill(destroy) completely, meaning there were not any trees left on it. But workers began to plant local trees and flowers again to bring the forest back to life. At present, there are a number of birds,(include) 18 kinds of hummingbirds and some migratory(迁徙的) species.

    Hummingbirds are only found on the American continent and Colombia is home to (vary) kinds of birds.