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  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    There are many idioms or sayings in English that we use when we want to describe relationships between and among friends. Here are a few to practice with your friends.

    The idiom “through thick and thin” is used to describe a friend who is loyal and supportive during bad times as well as good times. It most often describes a friendship that has been strong for a long time. Here are two examples: John and Lisa have been friends through thick and thin. My best friend and I stayed together through thick and thin.

    If two people are “like two peas(豌豆) in a pod”, it means that they get along very well. They are two very good friends and they are very similar to each other. I have never seen Lola and Camille argue; they are like two peas in a pod.

    Some friends are especially sympathetic and easy to talk to. They are not judgmental or impatient. They are good at sharing our pain, which helps ease our pain. A friend like this is often called “a shoulder to cry on”.We can go to this person with a problem or sadness and they bring comfort to us.

    “To hit it off” with someone means to immediately like or get along with someone. This usually happens the first time two people are meeting. They often share interests, goals, and beliefs. This can happen between friends who like each other at first sight. Carmen and Isabel hit it off at the party and are going to a movie together today. Mike and I did not hit it off on our first date but we are going to try once more.

    1. (1) Which of the following may be friends through thick and thin?
      A . Friends who often play games. B . Friends who help reduce pain. C . Friends who are easy to deal with. D . Friends who share a long friendship.
    2. (2) Which of the following idioms describes two similar friends?
      A . To hit it off. B . Two peas in a pod. C . A shoulder to cry on. D . Through thick and thin.
    3. (3) What can a friend with a shoulder to cry on provide when we are in trouble?
      A . Impatience. B . Advice. C . Judgment. D . Comfort.
    4. (4) What's the purpose of writing the article?
      A . To introduce some English idioms. B . To explain what a good friendship is. C . To teach readers how to learn idioms well. D . To offer some examples of English sentences.