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  • 1. 判断下列句子是否与短文相符。

    In March, it is nice and warm. Baby Bear gets up after a long sleep. He comes out of its cave. He likes the sunshine. He is thin and hungry. He goes to look for food. In May, Baby Bear eats grass and flowers, and he loves to eat fish! He waits in a river for a fish to go by, and then catches it. Baby Bear eats and eats al summer and autumn, so he gets very fat. He becomes a big bear. December comes and the weather is cold. He likes to sleep in a warm cave. He has a sweet dream.

    1. (1) Baby Bear gets up in June.
    2. (2) Baby Bear sleeps and sleeps all summer and autumn.
    3. (3) Baby Bear goes to sleep in a warm cave in December.