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    New Yorkers were shocked in early December when a creature as big as a school bus  (surface) from the Hudson River. Over the next three days, humpback whale(座头鲸) swam by several popular tourist destinations, where a journalist took(photo) of the animal seemingly waving its tail at Lady Liberty.

    Scientists say NYC0089, which hasn't been spotted in several weeks, has likely returned to deeper waters south of the Hudson. Still, the(frequent) of whale sightings in the broader area has gone up rapidly in recent years.

    “With these numbers increasing  (sharp), it's not surprising that you're seeing them in some unusual places, says Brown—a biologist." Including the Hudson River and Staten Island.

    Scientists say the (rise) whale sightings are likely related to purer water and a brimming buffet of Atlantic menhaden, a fish favored by humpbacks, resulting  landmark environmental regulations (pass) in the 1970s as well as New York city cleanup efforts.

    "Seeing more whales in this area is a sign  the waters are cleaner and there's more food here for these whales," Brown says. "It shows that we've been doing is working, so we need to keep doing that—and more—to protect these species."