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    Thanks to Chinese streaming media platform iQiyi, Hikaru No Go, a (domestic) produced 36-episode series based on the classic 1990s Japanese comic of the same name was finally broadcast on TV. Despite the  (popular) and mass appeal of the original comic, until now, no live-action adaptation of Hikaru No Go  (realize).

    In the story, a Chinese boy named Guang discovers a Go (围棋) board in which the spirit of an ancient master player is imprisoned (监禁). The boy is encouraged and taught by the ancient spirit, gradually  (become) a master player himself.

    The story is like fantasy,  has a typically realistic background, which may easily arouse strong emotion among the Chinese audience. For example, the beginning of the tale is set in the late 1990s,  South Korea dominated the international Go world and China fell behind.

    According to the producer, the series  (be) not just for Go fans, but for everyone. "In the story, the players grow through  (win) and losing, and their emotions can be felt by the audience, who also face challenges and try to seek achievement in own lives," he says.

    Now its ranking of 8.4 from a total of 10 points on Douban proves that it is domestic hit. Meanwhile, on social media in Japan, it has been greeted with huge support and praise.